The main character is Jeannette Walls, she is a child at the time of the story and is fascinated by fire as according to page 15,”Good for you,” Mom said when she saw me cooking.”You’ve got get right back in the saddle. You can’t live in fear as something as basic as fire.I didn’t. Instead I was fascinated with it”. Jeannette Walls is a dynamic character because she is constantly changing throughout the book because she was first extremely cautious about fire and now she would play with the fire after she burned herself. Her Dad, Rex Walls, is a static character because he never really changed the way he lived his life because he always wanted to live as a drunk, in the desert, and earn money by gambling or doing odd jobs. The only time he actually ended up changing was when Jeannette asked her dad if he would stop drinking, and so he did for 2 to 3 months but then he went back to being a drunk. Her Mother, Rose Mary Walls, changed a bit every once in awhile she would change how she viewed the world. But she was mainly the same because of the fact that she liked living in the desert and on the go. She also didn’t like to use toothpaste, or waste food that was good. Her first sister, Lori, is a dynamic character because she starts to change when she grows up, because she starts to lose faith in her parents so she tries to spend as much time at her friends houses.
Reading Log #2
In the Glass Castle, the main conflict is Jeannette Walls parents, Rex Walls and Rose Mary Walls, when they start to neglect their children by spending all of their money on useless stuff and also when the dad starts to spend all of his money on beer. This conflict all started when Jeannette’s parents got married because they were both too naive and thought in an odd way of how they should live. Moving town to town every so often in the desert, Mountains and in desolated areas that not that many people know of. They would also not try to get a better life than what they had at the time. As according to page 173 and 174,” One Evening when Dad was away we had nothing to eat and we were all sitting around the living room trying not to think of food, Mom kept on disappearing under the blanket on the sofa bed.At one point Brian looked over. “ Are you chewing something?” he asked. “My teeth hurt,” Mom said, but she was getting all shifty-eyed, glancing around the room and avoiding our stare’s.”It’s my bad gums. I’m working on my jaw to increase the circulation.” Brian yanked the covers back. Lying on the mattress next to Mom was one of those huge family sized Hershey bars, the shiny silver wrapper pulled back and torn away. She’d already eaten half of it. Mom started crying.”I can’t help it,” she sobbed.”I’m a sugar addict, just like your father is an alcoholic”. This means that they were extremely poor due to the fact that their parents never saved money for food. Instead, they wasted it on their addictions, sugary items, and alcoholic drinks. This conflict is external because Jeannette is constantly trying to get away from the life that her parents have by saving money to go to New York. But her parents slow her down by taking all of the saved money and spending it on less important items.
Reading Log #3
The two main characters in this story are Mitch Albom, and Morrie Schwartz. Mitch Albom is one of Morrie Schwartz students in University, but he is also the only student where he teaches him about the meaning of life. Mitch is also one of Morrie’s favorite students and his greatest friends that he has had, “ Mitch, you are on of the good ones,”(pg 4). Morrie Schwartz is one of Morrie’s professor’s that teaches social psychology. Morrie was also diagnosed with ALS, which is a disease that melts your nerves, or makes you lose control of your muscles. “ ALS is like a lit candle: it melts your nerves and leaves your body a pile of wax. Often, it begins with the legs and works its way up. You lose control of your thigh muscles, so you cannot support yourself standing.”(pg 10). Mitch and Morrie are both dynamic characters because they both are constantly changing their views of life.
Reading Log #4
One of the most important sections of this book is when Morrie gets diagnosed with ALS. This is important because it sets the main idea of the story, The Meaning of Life. He decided to teach the Meaning of life because he had lived a long life and was dying slowly, which made him overview his life and realise what was actually important in life. “Instead, he would make death his final project, the center point of his days. SInce everyone was going to die, he could be of great value, right? He could be research. A human textbook. Study me in my slow and patient demise. Watch what happens to me. Learn with me. Morrie would be the final bridge between life and death, and narrate the trip.”(page 10). This takes place during the exposition, to start the reader off with a sample of what he is going to read throughout the book. Another example that he was teaching about the meaning of life and death, “ In fact, he entertained a growing stream of visitors. He had discussion groups about dying, what it really meant, how societies had always been afraid of it without necessarily understanding it”(pages 11-12). A question I have about it is how is Morrie going to explain the process of it and the meaning of life?
Reading Log #5
The main characters in “Tuesdays WIth Morrie” are Mitch Albom(the author) and Morrie Schwartz. Mitch was Morrie’s student in a class that met on Tuesday’s where the subject was the meaning of life. In Morrie’s class there were no grades and no books were required, all there was were oral quizzes each week. In This book Mitch is the student and Morrie is the teacher, they only meet on tuesdays and Mitch is the only student. Morrie and Mitch both have dynamic changes throughout the story. At first Mitch is a strutting graduate who wants to become a famous musician and instead ends up becoming a famous sports journalist. “In a few years, I was not only penning columns, I was writing sports books, doing radio shows, and appearing regularly on TV, spouting my opinions on rich football players and hypocritical college sports programs.” While Morrie had changed through how we viewed life when he was diagnosed with ALS, where it slowly kills you, by frying your nerves. “He would not wither. He would not be ashamed of dying. Instead, he would make death his final project, the center point of his days. Since everyone was going to die, he could be of great value, right? He could be research. A human textbook. Study me in my slow and patient demise. Watch what happens to me. Learn with me. Morrie would walk that final bridge between life and death, and narrate the trip.” Morrie had changed by thinking of what he should do accept that he was going to die and do nothing in between the time he was alive or to let people study him by talking about the trip of life and death.
Reading Log #6
The Tales of Beedle the Bard - The Wizard and the Hoping Pot
The two main characters in the short story is a kindly old Wizard, and his son who believed that anyone who didn’t know how to do magic were worthless. The Old Wizard was generous and wise, by using his magic for the good of his neighbors. While the son of the Old Wizard was a selfish boy who thought that all those who couldn’t do magic were worthless and didn’t deserve the magical aid of his father. The only static character in this short story was the Old Wizard, while the son was the one experienced dynamic changes. The son underwent dynamic changes after his father died, because after his father died the son was put in the Old Wizards place, to help out all of the neighbors by giving them aid. When the son refused to give his services, this pot that the Old Wizard called his “lucky cooking pot” started to grow or show all of the problems that he refused to help out with. In the end the son ended up helping out all of the neighbors for the rest of his life so the magic pot wouldn’t bother him no more.
The two main characters in the short story is a kindly old Wizard, and his son who believed that anyone who didn’t know how to do magic were worthless. The Old Wizard was generous and wise, by using his magic for the good of his neighbors. While the son of the Old Wizard was a selfish boy who thought that all those who couldn’t do magic were worthless and didn’t deserve the magical aid of his father. The only static character in this short story was the Old Wizard, while the son was the one experienced dynamic changes. The son underwent dynamic changes after his father died, because after his father died the son was put in the Old Wizards place, to help out all of the neighbors by giving them aid. When the son refused to give his services, this pot that the Old Wizard called his “lucky cooking pot” started to grow or show all of the problems that he refused to help out with. In the end the son ended up helping out all of the neighbors for the rest of his life so the magic pot wouldn’t bother him no more.