I think that this quote means that Rene Descartes thinks that he exists but it makes him think about it. I feel like this quote was also made to make others think about it for a while. The quote is a question and an answer the "I think" is the question and the "therefore I am" is the answer. Pretty much it means, am I real? and the answer is, yes I am. When I sum it up, Rene Descartes is doubting his existence and thinks about it but realizes that he is a real thing.
![]() People with a growth mindset have a better chance of learning more and achieving further.Our icon is Over time which relates to our imperative growth because over time things grow. Our imperative is growth because it represents Growth Mindset which is our most important topic. Our Main issue is Growth Mindset because we believe that growth mindset is the mindset that everyone should be on because when you have a fixed mindset, you don't succeed as much. But when you have a growth mindset the road to success is rockier but in the end, you realize more than you would’ve with a fixed mindset. People who have a Growth Mindset have a better chance of becoming something better in the future and passing more test. Also, individuals with a Growth Mindset usually take on more challenging challenges. As Carol Dweck conveys in, The Effort Effect, “Also as humans, we give up after failing many times this is called learned helplessness. Some people are also fueled by failure or setbacks while others lacked doing that even in parts that they could do”(pg.1). Here she explains why most people give up after trying so much and, on the other hand, individuals with a growth mindset are fueled by setbacks and keep on going after many fails. People with a growth mindset of not being scared by setbacks. As Carol Dweck stated in the article, The Effort Effect, she states, “The key, she found, isn’t ability; it’s whether you look at ability as something inherent that needs to be demonstrated or as something that can be developed”(pg.2). This explains why most people with a fixed mindset don't keep going because they think of it as them not having the necessary talent to do it instead of needed skills. Growth mindsets over time get better and better in many subjects, while fixed mindsets don’t and stay at the same level without growing or developing new skills. Overtime fixed mindsets can evolve into growth mindsets by seeing failure as a way to do better, putting effort into their tasks, and enjoy the challenges they get. In conclusion, growth over time is possible for growth and fixed mindsets. Growth mindsets have the ability to stretch knowledge out and get better at it every time, as for fixed mindsets over time they can become a growth mindset person. I think Growth mindset is not to give up and keep on trying to solve the problem no matter how hard it is and how many times you try. While a fixed mindset is when you give up if you think it’s too hard or after your third to the second try. With Growth Mindset you always have a goal to reach, and once you reach that goal, you never settle you aim higher and higher whenever the chance comes or when you push forward towards it. While people with a Fixed Mindset usually end up reaching their goal and rarely think about trying to go higher than they already are at. Overtime relates to Growth vs. Fixed Mindset because over time your brain grows and develops new connections. Our project is based on a building that's on fire, and the guy that's on the bottom represents fixed mindset, the guy started off wanting to help put out the fire and help people but ended up just giving up.On the other hand, the firefighter kept on going even though there were many obstacles. The grass represents growth. |
June 2017
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